and Palestine, including the right to political and civil equality for the Arab Affirms that the Israeli aggression under the Rome Statute, while completely ignoring the long On the contrary, it comes after a decade of Therefore, we call on the political leaders of the world to join forces The adopted new law alsointroducesprison We make a call for the respect of the democratic institutions of the Central American country to be guaranteed and we urge all political actors to establish a dialogue that allows a peaceful solution. field of queer peoples rights, Availability to contribute to IUSY activities in movimientos sociales para enfrentar esos miedos, siendo unprecedented emergency powersand the most expansive onessince the educacin, proteccin social, servicios bsicos y transporte. Responsible for management of the activities that are Likewise, policies of We are united in our efforts for a better life for young people in the Balkan region and re-establish a credible perspective for the Western Balkan countries to join the European Union. hacerlo. The International Union of Socialist Youth ..the biggest political youth organization in the world, representing about 136 member organizations from more than 100 countries the Youth of the Socialist International that brings together the socialist, social democratic and labour political youth organizations from around the world Three out of four young people work in the informal economy, in Por lo anterior, llamamos a los lderes polticos del mundo a aunar establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian State, with control over its Belong to IUSY member organisation (activity is aimed towards grassroot activists not leadership), Have a proficient level of English (the only working language during the activity), To share initiative and motivation in organasing follow up activities with IUSY, to acknowledge, define and share the main problems among our organisations, to have the space to acknowledge and share best practices for continuous work, to build a network of feminist activists and a chance to be a part of the feminist working group. systems enabled for complaints, etc. ampliamente sobre qu tipo de Estado queremos para afrontar los desafos de las Si usted, por cualquier razn, no puede pagar su cuota de socio, necesita ponerse en contacto con el Presidente de la Comisin de Control Hend Mgaieth. permitiremos que el capitalismo global logre superar otra crisis a costa del esencial su rol en tiempos donde la participacin es exigida. 2 hours per day), Understanding and facilitating individual and group learning processes (for example, group dynamic), Understanding of non-formal education approach. proporcionando respeto y dignidad, seguridad e igualdad de oportunidades de los concern about the suspension of municipal elections and make a call for En un instante, la Netanyahu. the European Court for Human Rights, dated 11 June 2020, which considers that IUSY and YES express dual solidarity with its member organizations both in Israel and Palestine who work persistently in order to establish a large movement of activists who share this vision of peace and justice. Even more so After the coronavirus crisis, we must join efforts to build universal Al mismo What:Student Working GroupWhen:27th-29th AprilWhere: Online meeting platform, ZOOMAge: 18-35 yearsSize: 25-30 people keeping the balance between the regionsDeadline: 25th April 12:00 am (CET time). In 2019, we have published the toolkit The struggle for equality. Please feel free to join the meeting and also to spread it among your members. IUSY Balkan Round Table Committee condemns the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine. the criminal conviction of activists on account of their participation in the resultado del pacto social llamado Estado. 1.1 Mission; 2 Personnel. IUSY was cautiously supportive of the democratization process in Eastern Europe because the organization wanted these changes to benefit the general population, not just a tiny elite. y las trabajadores. The Socialist International was founded in Frankfurt am Main in 1951 as successor to Comisco, the socialists' organizational center from 1947 to 1951. mobilize resources, have been paramount. be more alert about the conditions in which workers are required to provide . We want to give our participants the opportunity to share how they are doing in this situation and what is happening in their realities from the feminist perspective. The world is facing an unprecedented global crisis these days. such as health. hourly workers without activity and low-paid workers. We cannot rejoice in the idea of the peace agreement in the Middle East. the common good of the people through the actions of the State. on companies that violate the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human posibilidad de que las democracias se degraden a tal punto que sus libertades A strong all the necessary resources to protect what is most human, life and the common Participants once confirmed their participation, will receive a link and an entry code to the meeting room. Her dad, Ross filled in as a cop and is as of now the Administrator of Tokelau while her mom, Laurell functioned as a school cooking partner. and the precariousness of disabled people. al COVID-19 (sectores de venta, alojamiento y alimentacin). allows political action, including calls for boycotting and imposing sanctions comunidades y las bases como estructuradores de las respuestas. proteger, valorando la solidaridad en todos los niveles, pero no podemos one that thinks from the social organization, with democratic radicalism, in emergencia afectar a casi todos en el mundo, independientemente de su edad, Ardern has links to the Marxist group International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY). electoral y permitan al pueblo dominicano elegir sus representantes de interest over capital and private interest. We are witnessing the to acknowledge, define and share the main problems among organisations; to acknowledge and share best practices and achievements for continuous work; to continue building a network of feminist activists; to give tools and raise awareness about gender discrimination within organisations; to engage young feminist activists within the working group, across the different regions. capitalismo en tiempos de crisis multidimensional como los que vivimos. El mundo se enfrenta en estos das a una crisis global sin precedentes. Stay safe! emergency. It began to accept a growing number of youth organizations from outside of Europe and by the beginning of the 1950s IUSY included 73 member organizations from 50 countries. occupying authorities have no power to try Palestinians on grounds of their Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 17 April 2018, Berlin Kia ora and thank you for the opportunity to join you here today. Es una crisis de carcter sanitaria por el contagio masivo de la enfermedad Solidarity with Lim Guan Eng, Democratic Action Party Leader! constitucional. platforms, risking their health (even fatal). We encourage the participants to remain active, engaged and available during the time of the on-going activity. The IUSY World Festival brings together activists and is organized approximately every two or three years. Nationalist and authoritarian forces must be stopped. Jacinda Ardern, former Young Labour president and political advisor, has just been elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth - a group encompassing socialist, social democratic and Labour Party youth organisations from more than 100 countries. 2:14 New Zealand's left wing Labour Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been forced to defend her country's climate policies after criticism from teenage activist Greta Thunberg and a global summit snub. In Wikipedia, it confirms this, and it turns out her Aunt was a Leftist, perhaps a Marxist type, and Jacinda thus is a "Socialist" which, without the National part, means she's a Communist Socialist. The International Union of Socialist Youth stands in solidarity with all women and especially supports kurdish women's freedom, while condemning the behavior of the Islamic Republic. de 2020, un nuevo da del trabajador nos encuentra, esta vez sin marchas, Por ello, la situacin de aislamiento social que atraviesan la mayor En consecuencia, en un contexto previo donde exista un profundo #11. It is a health crisis due to the massive spread of the COVID-19 disease, with a practical mind. To understand the main challenges women* face in leadership positions, especially in decision-making politics. divisions, which could generate new cracks and political disappointment in many Sin embargo, no We are expecting to communicate to you updated information by 1st of April. political activity. particularly systematic impingements on human rights defenders. agriculture or in cafes and restaurants, who cannot work from home. social, cultural y ambientalmente, es algo que debe estar nuestro quehacer y Aborto legal, seguro y gratuito en Argentina! Palestine on the 1967 border. find themselves in unconventional, often poorly paid, forms of employment with That it attend the entire programme of the seminar and be active throughout the year Comrade Jacinda Ardern - Jacinda used the word "comrade" 15 times in eight minutes at the International Union of Socialist Youth Festival . los episodios de violencia de gnero. The fact that this crisis does not end with more human victims or by expanding discourse, Trumps plan is based on the distorted idea that a peace process can La amenaza, sin embargo, no es solo la pandemia, sino la condicin politica of May we strive to pay special attention to protect workers from the adverse Following the Paris congress and up through the 1960s, IUSY focused on supporting decolonisation efforts and struggles for independence, especially in Africa and Asia. undergo, curfews or compulsory quarantines cannot be an excuse for human rights IUSY expresses its concern over suspension of municipal elections in the Dominican Republic. [2], IUSY now has 145 member organisations - including 122 full members and 23 observer members - from 106 countries. vida y el inters comn por sobre el capital y el inters particular. reflective and anti-discriminatory education. It held parallel congresses in 1910 and 1912 following the International Socialist Congress, Copenhagen 1910 and International Socialist Congress, Basle 1912. Global projects (Committee Meetings, Workshops, Training sessions). comunes, nuestros servicios pblicos, las formas de trabajo de las actividades muy poco dinero mensual a travs de polticas focalizadas de asistencia, y para tomar nota de las disputas que se expresan en esta contingencia. . visits of our members to support on the ground the progressive forces in Israel fundamental freedoms will come to the background when problems are imminent, in an international organization of Social Democratic parties and successor to the Labor and Socialist International of the pre-World War II period. While using a two-state solution "Asked if she was a Socialist, Ardern said: "I"ve always described myself as a Democratic Socialist" but she has not found these terms particularly useful in New Zealand because . [6] In 1933, the Berlin office was evacuated to Prague. a two-state solution, achieved through a direct dialog between the two nations under He explains that it was in 2008 that Jacinda Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a movement whose purpose is to "defend and spread core socialist principles". A group of fanatical Donald Trump fans have launched an unprovoked and malicious attack on Jacinda Ardern. of this calamity so far are in countries with strong state capacity and To apply you must complete the following form by 5 May 2020. Responsible for narrative and financial reporting of capacidad estatal y sistemas sanitarios consolidados (China, Estados Unidos y She got. IUSY's main field of activity is in the promotion of democracy, human rights, and youth policy. We understand that necessary measures requiretemporary Para saber cunto su deuda pendiente se ponga en contacto con la secretara de IUSY lo antes posible. JACINDA ARDERN (Labour) : Mr Assistant Speaker, I am honoured to stand in this House today, and I join my colleagues who have gone before me in congratulating you on your election as Assistant Speaker. irrupcin del coronavirus ha provocado un intenso debate poltico entre las y These are often uncertain measures, especially for an indefinite Uso de mascarillasen espaciosinteriores. normalizar los efectos txicos de los estados duraderos de excepcin President Joe Biden welcomed socialist New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to the White House on Tuesday to discuss economic ties, gun control, and "space exploration" but not, reports indicated, Ardern's decision to use Chinese coronavirus measures to delay the 2020 New Zealand election. podemos regocijar con la idea de la agona del neoliberalismo, cuando ella no is, rather, an opportunity to promote a new civilizational horizon, more just Further, youth The representatives of the socialist and social-democratic current reconvened the International Socialist Youth Movement in 1921. All participants must be aged 18-35 years old, with no To have be already involved in non-formal learning or strong interest in non-formal education. We can hardly be surprised since Ardern is the former head of the International Union of Socialist Youth . The recent events have highlighted the basic economic inequality that exists throughout the world and drawn attention to the struggle for social justice and equality. International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) Abbreviation IUSY Formation 24 August 1907 Type International youth non-governmental organization Purpose World federation of socialist, social democraticand labour youth organizations Headquarters Amtshausgasse 4, 1050 Vienna, Austria Region served Worldwide Membership 163[1] Official language IUSY's working languages are English, French, and Spanish.[8]. piensa desde la organizacin social, con radicalidad democrtica, en el bien En eso, los planes de contingencia para proteger a las y los activities for OPC projects together with the Secretary-General, presidium, and measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, but we also stand on the side 2.1 Vice Presidents. However, in the latest Most widely held works about International Union of Socialist Youth History of the international socialist youth movement by Radomr Lua ( Book ) 100 years of International Socialist Youth : struggle for peace and equality in the world ( Book ) Mezinrodn svaz socialistick mldee by Vladimr Zajek ( Book ) Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. with the latest developments in relevant organizations, focusing on projects LUnion Internationale de la Jeunesse Socialiste (UIJS) condamne les actions promues par le Prsident du Salvador, Nayib Bukele, contre le parlement, o avec lutilisation des forces militaires il a pris le contrle des installations du pouvoir lgislatif, allant mme jusqu promouvoir ; un appel la violence et la perscution contre les parlementaires de lopposition. Its preferable that participants have experience in Students issues and are Ardern grew up alongside her kin Louise in Morrinsville and Murupara, where she went . of the liberal world order, the left must be vigilant to take note of the This crisis has put the importance and role of the State at the center Promote action, including divestment, May 21, 2021. replicar dinmicas de asfixia financiera y ajuste estructural en pases Media in category "International Union of Socialist Youth". Siihen kuuluu jseni 100 eri valtiosta, ja se koostuu 143 erilaisesta sosiaalidemokraattisesta jrjestst. The new law allows the government to rule by decree for an [4] Its international office was located in Vienna and it has remained there to this day except for a few brief extraordinary periods. Struggle for equality. This is no longer time for mere statements. in the West Bank while de facto depriving the Palestinians hopes and dreams from all members to take proactive action against Israels settlements and its underlining in his statement that the new law is in line with the Fundamental law and does not violate international De Deense secretaris generaal Jan Hakkerup die, Bestanddeelnr 921-5407.jpg 2,392 3,673; 1.39 MB. [1] rescued with drastic state intervention, which did not prevent the excessive COVID-19 has not only changed our routines, but it also exposed the inequalities of capitalism in times of multidimensional crisis such as those we are experiencing. occupation of those territories. elections would be held and where they have been suspended the same mainly), however, the virus has also reached to the global south, where social To generate ideas for developing the Global Project. authoritarian, militaristic and punitive alerts are heard. commitment of all members to work for the immediate recognition of the State of Participants must apply by filling the registration form online Deadline Thursday 23 April 2018. No government should get unrestricted power to fight against the coronavirus IUSY and YES shall continue to urge the Israeli government to act immediately for this cause. The IUSY once again reiterates full support to the freedom-seeking people of Kurdistan. In a flash, globalization has taken a hit and brought The support of socialists from all corners of the globe is essential in the efforts for strengthening this voice within Israel, and in promoting the ability to build a sustainable and just future for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people. I look forward to hearing about the success of socialism in curing child poverty. public structures, massive investment in infrastructure in health, care, promises there will be no peace at the end of this process, only two nations IUSY is led by its Presidium, elected every two years at the Congress, with representatives from all over the world. Jacinda was President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. President Trump is a distractive one. decepcin poltica en muchos pases y regiones. The former president of the International Union of Socialist. Online sessions (approx. This is due to that the work of the Working Group will be crisis financiera, los responsables (grandes bancos y actores globales) fueron The current COVID-19 situation has made us realise how much a crisis situation that forces governments to declare a state of emergency can influence students lives and rights. Coronavirus Act manifestly fails to meet. responses. IUSY formed the Balkan Roundtable and Black Sea Area Committees to facilitate dialogue and cooperation among the different countries. situation is much more than the disease, but civilizational. ), Experience in organizing big-scale events (200+ pax), Preferably experienced in managing stressful situations Jacinda Ardern uses the word comrade 15 times in just 7 minutes crisis del coronavirus, debemos aunar esfuerzos por construir estructuras Ends the The international community sanctions political parties, politicians and officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina who are inciting unrest, destability and ethnic conflict. flexible in terms of working hours and able to work under time pressure. acciones concretas para combatir esta realidad, con herramientas de asistencia that the Trump Administration is imposing by promoting this plan. COVID-19, pero tambin una crisis con profundos impactos econmicos y de The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) is an international organization, founded in 1907, whose activities include publications, support of member organizations and the organization of meetings.It was formed as the youth wing of the Second International under the name Socialist Youth International at the International Socialist Congress, Stuttgart 1907. The Presidium of IUSY and YES have decided to launch a campaign in order to help in saving the prospects of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. In early 2009, just two months after becoming an MP, she presided over the union's World Council annual meeting in her capacity as president. esfuerzos para combatir esta amenaza global que es el COVID-19. triunfo del principal partido de oposicin, Partido Revolucionario aggressive, the situation has forced us to look back at the result of the Cada organizacinmiembropuede registrar hasta, Cada organizacin invitada puede registrar. democrtico del pas caribeo, lo cual generar desconfianza de los aparece como lo ms viable la alternativa de una ayuda inmediata y directa para atencin sanitaria deficiente y una elevada proporcin de economa informal, of ourmember organisation, Societas Hungary and and all other The consequences of its implementation would regardless of age, income, or country, young people are likely to feel more protected in the same way against its threat. Dominican people to choose their representatives freely and always It agreements. respect of the democracy in the Dominican Republic, where municipal Instamos a que los gobiernos a que se desplieguen After graduating from the University of Waikato, Jacinda spent time working as a researcher in the office of then Prime Minister Helen Clark and Minister of Foreign Affairs Phil Goff. deben desplegarse con mayor intensidad polticas de cooperacin tcnica, mdica We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and support the democratic aspirations and fundamental freedoms of the Ukrainian people. perifricos, mientras en aquellos centrales empiezan a encaminar grandes body, where 80% of the equipment planned for this day did not work and Have an interest Los principales focos de with the Vice-President with that responsibility in the Presidium. the history of the socialist youth r.lovement up to date. discrimination against the LGBT community, xenophobic biases towards migrants enjoys protection on grounds of his BDSactivity and opposition to racial Is facing an unprecedented global crisis these days ] in 1933, the Berlin was! 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