J Ethnopharmacol. This study has explored methods that produce an efficient in vitro culture protocol for the conservation of The final aspect of the microplate, absorbance spectra, and illustrative calibration curve of different glucose standards (from left to right, respectively) of the glucose oxidase/peroxidase assay used for the determination of the glucose yield after hydrolysis of pure starches catalyzed by amyloglucosidase. Bookshelf The intra-day variation was below 1.6%. Amylolytic enzyme working solutions: prepare by stepwise dilution of the commercial solutions with universal buffer at the desired pH to fit the linear range of soluble starch determination. The results were subjected to regression analysis to determine R2 and the regression equation for the plot. Values were below 5% in all cases (in most of the determinations the values were below 3%). <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> J. Mol. Note: other heating sources (e.g. An illustrative linear (R2=0.999) calibration curve is abs580nm=0.061 (0.025)+0.366 (0.014) mstarch. 17 Granados-Guzmn, G.; Castro-Ros, R.; de Torres, N. W.; Salazar-Aranda, R.; Curr. As a result of the intensive demand for this plant in folk medicinal uses, its scarcity has become problematic. Chem. The error percentage was calculated to be 5.46%, which indicates that the method is accurate. Because the determination of sugars is performed by reducing the aldehyde group of the sugar with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) to form 3-amino-5-nitrosalicylic acid, the reaction involves high temperatures, making the determination on microplates difficult.99 Miller, G. L.; Anal. This discrepancy highlights the reason for not comparing the results obtained by different reports, although they might have used the same method but with different experimental conditions. Nutr. The optimized and validated method was very carefully followed. The kinetic constants for the enzyme were determined by varying the substrate concentration from 0.03 mg mL-1 to 0.6 mg mL-1. Chem. One milligram of each extract was weighed and dissolved in 1 mL of phosphate buffer (100 mmol L-1, pH 6.9); some solutions were sonicated to achieve complete dissolution. 351 (2006) 146148]. Place the microplate in the plate reader, shake the plate (for 30 to 60s using the shaker function of the microplate reader), incubate for 30min at 37C, and read the absorbance at 505nm. In a tube containing 1 mL of phosphate buffer (100 mmol L-1, pH 6.9), 100 L of -amylase (final concentration 0.15 U mL-1 in phosphate buffer) was added and incubated at 37 C for 7.2 min for preincubation. [Crossref], 20 Hou, W.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Wei, X.; Peng, A.; Chen, L.; Wei, Y.; Phytother. Slopes of the curves were compared using the t-test, and a significant difference was obtained, indicating the existence of the matrix effect. Sci. Absorbance was recorded using a microplate reader (Multiskan FC, Thermo Scientific). The use of a suitable volumetric scale for the assay was also an important concern for our development work. Anal. It was experimentally established that the minimum concentration of acarbose that can be determined is 1 g mL-1. Int. It was possible to linearly (R2 0.999) measure masses of glucose up to 10.0g (this corresponds to the actual mass present in the microplate well, corresponding to 50L of a 200.0mgL1 of a glucose standard solution). Importance of Assay of Salivary amylase enzyme, Estimation of Carbohydrates by the Anthrone Method, Assay of Acid Phosphatase enzyme activity from Potatoes, Assay of Urease Enzyme Activity (Enzymology Practical Protocol), Effect of Temperature on Amylase activity (Enzymology Protocol). Place the vial in the block heater (or other alternative heating source) previously set at the target temperature of the study during the desired time of the assay (, Immediately stop the hydrolysis process by adding 750L of 1.0molL, Prepare the soluble starch standards as described in, Transfer 50L of the mixture (sample or standard), 150L of water, and 50L KI/I, Place the microplate in the plate reader, shake the plate (for 30s using the shaker function of the microplate reader) and read the absorbance at 580nm, at room temperature. Infobox references. [Crossref], 19 Satpathy, G.; Tyagi, Y. K.; Gupta, R. K.; Food Res. 2010, 75, H97. Accessibility After obtaining informed consent, unstimulated whole saliva was collected from each subject into a sterile container for 30 minutes and subsequently centrifuged immediately. Production of Actinobacteria Amylase by Fermentation in Solid State Using Residues of Licuri Palm (Syagrus coronata). Sodium hydroxide was procured from CTR, Mxico. endobj Amylase - blood. Leaf starch degradation comes out of the shadows. ; Humana Press: New York, 2016 [Crossref]. Linearity was determined using the graph of concentration and percent inhibition. Validation of the method was performed according to international guidelines by analyzing linearity, precision, accuracy, robustness, plate uniformity, and signal variability.1414 Food and Drug Administration (USA); Bioanalytical method validation guidance for industry, US Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and Center for Veterinary Medicine, 2018, available at https://www.fda.gov/files/drugs/published/Bioanalytical-Method-Validation-Guidance-for-Industry.pdf, accessed June 2022.https://www.fda.gov/files/drugs/publishe 2017, 109, 962. The new method is tested for linearity, sensitivity, precision, reproducibility and applicability. 16 United States Pharmacopeial Convention; The United States pharmacopeia: the national formulary; Rockville, Md., United States pharmacopeial convention, 1980. Biotechnology for Agro-Industrial Residues Utilisation: Utilisation of Agro-Residues. A uniformity assay is performed at maximum and minimum response levels, ensuring that the difference is adequate to detect active compounds or the influence of the inhibitor in the assay system. Res. The development work herein reported sought to answer to the major methodological difficulties that we experienced for implementing the protocols for measuring enzyme activity (for both amylase and amyloglucosidase) and glucose yield (for amyloglucosidase), starting from the report of Xiao et al. LCF-TSN8valql#uy*|;IUV8,\d&sQ|`Pg&[#-&Jqb4!8RyQ31IlkfzJs! Biochem. Acta Part A-Mol. This evaluation revealed that minor modifications/changes in the assay conditions can lead to a significant variation in IC50 values (0.00068 to 47.5 mg mL-1) with acarbose used as a positive control. This was complemented by a glucose yield assay for amyloglucosidase that allowed a secondary source of information when insoluble starches were studied. 5). Toxicol. This work addresses optimization, validation and application of an in vitro method for assessment of -amylase inhibition on a microscale level. [Crossref], 30 Rahman, M. M.; Islam, M. R., Shohag, S.; Hossain, M. E.; Rahaman, M. S.; Islam, F.; Ahmed, M.; Mitra, S.; Khandaker, M. U.; Idris, A. M.; Chidambaram, K.; Emran, T. B.; Cavalu, S.; Molecules 2022, 27, 1713. Amylase is the hydrolytic enzyme that breaks down many polysaccharides like Starch, Amylose, dextrins, and yields a disaccharide i.e., Maltose. An example of the application of this method was the determination of the glucose yield after the hydrolysis of four pure starches assisted by an amyloglucosidase from A. niger (Fig. [Crossref] Although other protocols are based either on the glucose oxidase reaction or on the determination by fluorescence, they are commonly used in microplates. Salivary amylase is present in high concentrations in the saliva of young children and decreases as we age. Get this protocol in PDF format. We use cookies on our website. 27 Iversen, P.; Beck, B.; Chen, Y.; Dere, W.; Devanarayan, V.; Eastwood, B. J.; Farmen, M. W.; Iturria, S. J.; Montrose, C.; Moore, R. A.; Weidner, J. R.; Sittampalam, G. S. In HTS Assay Validation; Markossian, S.; Grossman, A.; Brimacombe, K.; Arkin, M.; Auld, D.; Austin, C. P.; Baell, J.; Chung, T. D. Y.; Coussens, N. P.; Dahlin, J. L.; Devanarayan, V.; Foley, T. L.; Glicksman, M.; Hall, M. D.; Haas, J. V.; Hoare, S. R. J.; Inglese, J.; Iversen, P. W.; Kales, S. C.; Lal-Nag, M.; Li, Z.; McGee, J.; McManus, O.; Riss, T.; Saradjian, P.; Sittampalam, G. S.; Tarselli, M.; Trask, O. J.; Wang, Y.; Weidner, J. R.; Wildey, M. J.; Wilson, K.; Xia, M.; Xu, X., eds. Chem. The optimum substrate concentration for the -amylase inhibition assay was found to be 0.38 mg mL-1 (1.11 mmol L-1). DA3-7. Prepare <>stream Both recipients were placed in a heating block for 10min at a temperature of 45C. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Amylase, like other enzymes, works as a catalyst. Two plant extracts (Zanthoxylum fagara and Chrysactinia mexicana) inhibited -amylase activity. ( 2016 ). Because it is impossible to perform boiling in a microplate because a significant volume of liquid evaporates and negatively affects the response, the experiment was conducted in the tubes, and the microquantities were transferred to microplates and recorded. Amylase level testing can be done with a blood or urine test. Med 2011, Article ID 810207. FOIA The new method facilitates rapid screening of a large number of samples, reduces labor, time and reagents and is also suitable for kinetic studies. [Crossref] Hence, it is necessary to look for inhibitors of -amylase from natural sources with fewer side effects. Also, depending on the temperature-activity relationship, the alpha amylase may not be active at 25C but is somewhere <100C. Do you think that woul 2005 Mar;10(3):130-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2005.01.001. Therefore, the objectives of this work were: (i) the consistent preparation of some reagents, especially the soluble starch and KI / I2 solution that generates I3, to improve batch to batch reproducibility and maximize the precision and accuracy of the of the starch-iodine method; (ii) the rescale of the activity assay, in order to minimize evaporation issues typical from microplate assays and to adapt it to different experimental requirements (in our particular case this was related with the US-assisted hydrolysis of starch); (iii) the adjustment of sensitivity by modifying the volumes of the starch-iodine microplate assay, to avoid precipitation and to minimize potential deviations to the Lamberts-Beer law of the absorbance measurements; and (iv) the measurement of glucose yield for amyloglucosidase through the glucose oxidase / peroxidase (GOPOD) method replicating the sample handling protocol used for measuring its activity, but using pure starches from different botanical sources instead of soluble starch. The absorbance was measured using 96-well polystyrene plates with a flat bottom and a final volume of 200 L. Another import aspect was to maximize the information about enzyme role in the hydrolysis process, such as the monitoring of the release of glucose monomers from pure starches that can be obtained when the hydrolysis is catalyzed by amyloglucosidase. To evaluate linearity, amylase inhibition studies were performed using different concentrations of the inhibitor acarbose (0.5 to 12 g mL-1). Prepare enzyme extract filtered with syringe filter 3. 6, where we studied the influence of pH on the activity of amyloglucosidase from A. niger. 8600 Rockville Pike for potential alternative wavelengths). eppendorfs) can be adapted according to the equipment available at the laboratory. Regarding that the enzyme is absent for the control experiment, it is expectable that the absorbance of the control experiment would be similar to the most concentrated standard of soluble starch prepared (3.00mg, Table 1). endobj If not, the shelf-life of the reagent will be 2 weeks if preserved at 4C. One negative control (absence of inhibitor) was set up to obtain 100% enzyme activity. abs505nm=0.042 (0.005)+0.0846 (0.0008) mglucose), we obtained a mass of glucose of 7.56g that is contained in the 50L of sample transferred to the microplate. Absorbance is increasing with increasing concentrations of your inhibitor? The use of phosphate buffer also affected the response. Process Biochem 50:21282136, Nithya K, Muthukumar C, Biswas B, Alharbi NS, Kadaikunnan S, Khaled JM, Dhanasekaran D (2018) Desert actinobacteria as a source of bioactive compounds production with a special emphases on Pyridine-2,5-diacetamide a new pyridine alkaloid produced by Streptomyces sp. For each experiment, fresh and independent reagents were used, and the evaluation was performed on three different days. Humana, New York, NY. It has long been known that salivary gland dysfunction leads to glucose intolerance and ultimately to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Phytochemical constituent analysis from the Zanthoxylum fagara and Chrysactinia mexicana plants using different solvents for extraction can be performed. [Crossref], 4 Rahimzadeh, M.; Jahanshahi, S.; Moein, S.; Moein, M. R.; Iran. 5. Dinitrosalicylic acid color reagent. strains showed the amylolytic activity. This study utilized fractional design and the simplex method to optimize in vitro microscale assay inhibition conditions using Millers reaction. Some examples are reported in our previous publications [7,8]. The absorbance at 580nm was measured for both assay and control experiments for 10min, being the average values of 0.110 and 1.138, respectively. Schematic illustration of the workflow proposed for the quantification of the activity of alpha-amylase and amyloglucosidase. Toxicol. This method intends to facilitate the implementation of a new routine determination of alpha-amylase and amyloglucosidase activities in any laboratory that could deal with amylolytic enzymes by providing all the necessary experimental details and conditions that could maximize the performance of the method. An official website of the United States government. Note: pH value must be adjusted to the desired value with NaOH 4.0molL1 for each particular assay at room temperature. Evaluation of precision and accuracy was performed using the extracted sample of J. dioica in the presence or absence of acarbose (positive control). For the first time, a reliable, simple, rapid and high-throughput analytical method for the detection and quantification of -amylase inhibitory activity using the glucose assay kit was developed. Note: a clear solution shall be obtained. [Crossref], 25 Vadivel, V.; Nandety, A.; y Biesalski, H. K.; Plant Foods Hum. Dexmedetomidine alleviates insulin resistance in hepatocytes by reducing endoplasmic reticulum stress. Huang Y, Deng Y, Shang L, Yang L, Huang J, Ma J, Liao X, Zhou H, Xian J, Liang G, Huang Q. Exp Ther Med. 19 0 obj 37% (w/w) HCl (PN: 131020) was purchased from Panreac (Barcelona, Spain). Salivary amylase analysis is a simple procedure and the results obtained can be used as an additional criterion in the diagnostic process of diabetes. Enzyme immobilization Preparation of alginate beads Alginate gel beads were prepared according to Awad et al. An enzymeisaprotein moleculethatisabiologicalcatalyst withthree characteristics. Oliveira H.M., Correia V.S., Segundo M.A., Fonseca A.J.M., Cabrita A.R.J. R. P.; Mol. The enzyme activity should be determined within one hour. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Their age ranged between 25 65 years. It can also be naturally found in plants and animals. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Each enzyme works best at a certain pH and temperature, its activity decreasing at values above and below that point due to denaturation. The in vitro antidiabetic activity was studied by using -amylase inhibitory assay modified 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. Simple Protocol to Facilitate Students Understanding of the Effects of Enzyme Immobilization on Kinetics of Reaction and Mass Transfer. For the starch-iodine method, absorbance measurements were conducted at 580nm, whereas for the GOPOD assay, the wavelength was set at 505nm. 2011, 44, 2076. The long-term use of the method also showed a high-precision for both intra-day and inter-day measurements. Regarding the starch-iodine method, it was possible to measure masses of starch up to 3.00mg (this mass respects to the total amount of starch contained in the vial, corresponding to a maximum mass of 42.9g in an individual microplate well). Add 2.91mL of 85% (w/w) o-phosphoric acid, 2.86mL of acetic acid, and dissolve 3.09g of boric acid in water and complete to a final volume of 1000mL; keep at 4C. The multi-targets integrated fingerprinting for screening anti-diabetic compounds from a Chinese medicine Jinqi Jiangtang Tablet. Copyright 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This work is part of the Academic Masters Dissertation by student Milena Santos Aguiar linked to the Graduate Program of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Microorganisms (PPGBBM, UESC). After 10min, the hydrolysis was stopped with the addition of 750L of 1molL1 HCl. Optimization of the -amylase inhibition assay was performed using fractionalized factorial design (2^6-1). It was initially termed Glucose yield (average values from two determinations) measured by the described glucose oxidase/peroxidase assay that resulted from the hydrolysis of four different pure starches mediated by an amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger (PN: A9913, Sigma Aldrich). This article providing information on Salivary amylase, functions, and Assay of Salivary amylase activity. 2014, 17, 465. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Epub 2020 Oct 26. Int J System Evol Microbiol 62:24052409, Gong Y, Bai JL, Yang HT, Zhang WD, Xiong YW, Ding P, Qin S (2018) Phylogenetic diversity and investigation of plant growth-promoting traits of actinobacteria in coastal salt marsh plant rhizospheres from Jiangsu, China. ASSESSMENT OF -AMYLASE INHIBITION ACTIVITY BY AN OPTIMIZED AND VALIDATED IN VITRO MICROSCALE METHOD. The obtained results are shown in Table 2. Part of Springer Nature. The method was ideal with respect to linearity, accuracy, precision, selectivity, and reliability. Magnetic stirrer/heater plate (MAG-H, Gerhardt, Knigswinter, Germany), for preparing the soluble starch solution. Changes in these parameters do not have any effect on the inhibition percentage. The -amylase activity is measured using a colorimetric method with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) reagent. 1959, 31, 426. Most of the amylase in your body is made by your pancreas and salivary glands. In our particular case [8], this study complemented our previous assessment of enzyme activity by the starch-iodine method. PMC [Crossref]. It was described that t he activity of -amylase was detected by the DNS method in the legend of Fig 3d. The samples are placed in a water bath (T=100C) for 5 min and then they are left to cool at room temperature. These protocols and guidelines are followed in this work. In the case of amyloglucosidase, it is also possible to measure glucose yield using a protocol similar to the one applied to the enzyme activity. The abovementioned protocol was followed with different concentrations of substrates. KI/I2 solution: KI 2.0g L1, I2 200mgL1. 2011, 136, 305. It is defined as the combinatorial effect of all components of the analysis other than the analyte that is to be measured.2828 McNaught, A. D.; Wilkinson, A.; Compendium of Chemical Terminology (IUPAC Chemical Data), 2nd ed., Wiley: New Jersey, 1997. The accuracy of the method was determined by calculating the percentage of relative error (%) (Equation 3) of the extracts of J. dioica challenged with the inhibitor at different concentrations. When compared with the original method, these new conditions lead to an extra dilution of the sample (a dilution factor of 5 compared to a dilution factor of 2) and to a longer optical path due to the higher volume placed at each well of the microplate (250L vs. 150L, and assuming the use of a classic cylindrical-shaped flat bottom microplate). Enhanced consistence of reagent preparation. Hi, Here I suggest a brief protocol: 1. You have to carry out the hydrolysis of the substrate (starch, I guess) by contacting a suitable dilution o Among the amylolytic enzymes, which act on starchs polymeric chain as well in its related oligo- and polysaccharides, alpha-amylase, and amyloglucosidase are the most widespread biocatalysts used in the hydrolytic process [2]. [Crossref]-1616 United States Pharmacopeial Convention; The United States pharmacopeia: the national formulary; Rockville, Md., United States pharmacopeial convention, 1980.,2727 Iversen, P.; Beck, B.; Chen, Y.; Dere, W.; Devanarayan, V.; Eastwood, B. J.; Farmen, M. W.; Iturria, S. J.; Montrose, C.; Moore, R. A.; Weidner, J. R.; Sittampalam, G. S. In HTS Assay Validation; Markossian, S.; Grossman, A.; Brimacombe, K.; Arkin, M.; Auld, D.; Austin, C. P.; Baell, J.; Chung, T. D. Y.; Coussens, N. P.; Dahlin, J. L.; Devanarayan, V.; Foley, T. L.; Glicksman, M.; Hall, M. D.; Haas, J. V.; Hoare, S. R. J.; Inglese, J.; Iversen, P. W.; Kales, S. C.; Lal-Nag, M.; Li, Z.; McGee, J.; McManus, O.; Riss, T.; Saradjian, P.; Sittampalam, G. S.; Tarselli, M.; Trask, O. J.; Wang, Y.; Weidner, J. R.; Wildey, M. J.; Wilson, K.; Xia, M.; Xu, X., eds. The residues used correspond to the fruit peels and the pressed cake obtained after extracting the vegetable oil from its seeds. reagent is added in each tube and the mixture is agitated for a few seconds on vortex mixer. A microscale in vitro method for the assessment of -amylase inhibition activity was optimized, validated and used for the analysis of enzyme inhibition using plant extracts in vitro. [Crossref], 8 Szymaski, P.; Markowicz, M.; Mikiciuk-Olasik, E.; Int. Chem. 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid ( DNS or DNSA, IUPAC name 2-hydroxy-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid) is an aromatic compound that reacts with reducing sugars and other reducing molecules to form 3-amino-5-nitrosalicylic acid, which strongly absorbs light at 540 nm. 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